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2010年7月15日 星期四

iPad Jailbreak (JB)

7月初,拿到滾燙燙的 iPad wifi 64G 之後,就想到直接上 JB,免得跟 iPhone 3G 一樣,一開始沒有JB,日後怕出問題,一直沒有上 JB.

在爬了文,及詢問過同事之後,大家都說現在 JB 跟吃飯一樣,幾個 click 就好了。於是就下定決心開始了......


- Mac OS X 10.6.3
- iTune 9.2
- iPad OS 3.2

步驟一,備份 SHSH:
- Open iTune Apps on Mac.
- Connect iPad to USB, then iTune will detect it.
- Download and install backup application: TinyUmbrella (google it)

- Open TinyUmbrella, then it will detect your iPad and your OS version.
- Click on "Advanced Options" in TinyUmbrella Apps.
  - you will see your "ECID" on screen, which is Exclusive Chip ID.
  - select "Location" to "Cydia"
  - click "Save My SHSH"
    -The file will be saved in your local machine ($HOME/.shsh/) and Cydia server.
- Done.

- Download and install "SPIRIT" software.
- Open SPIRIT.
- SPIRIT will detect that your iPad is connected.
- Just click "Jailback". within 1 sec and it's done. (三小,這樣就完成了喔!)
  - Don't click "Close" yet until iPad has been rebooted.
  - iPad is rebooting.
- JB is done, Quit SPIRIT.

步驟三,Initializing Cydia:
- on iPad, click "Cydia" to initialize. 
- Done

步驟四,安裝 AppSync , 讓 *.ipa (Apps 檔案格式)可以直接裝到 iPad 上:
- Open Cydia
- Click Manage, and click Source
- Add a source:
- After that, Click Hackulo source, then select AppSync OS 3.2 to install.
- Done.

~~~~~~ Happy Play Around Your iPad ~~~~~~